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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to add my testimony of...

From the August 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to add my testimony of what Christian Science has done for me and mine, to the many others which have come from equally grateful hearts. The many healings I have experienced would form a long list; therefore I shall mention but a few.

In one instance, with the help of a practitioner, I was freed from a large boil which had formed inside one nostril. The boil disappeared without breaking, in about three days. From childhood I had suffered at times with pains in my chest, so severe that breathing could hardly be continued. Once when with a friend who was a Christian Scientist I was attacked by this pain. I could hardly say the word "practitioner," and feared it was my end. A practitioner was reached immediately by telephone, and gave me a treatment. Since then there has been no reappearance of that trouble. Again, in hurrying to reach a street car I fell, bruising my arm and elbow severely on the pavement. I returned and bandaged the arm. That night the pain became intense, so I arose and called a practitioner. The pain soon disappeared, so that I slept; and I was able to continue my work in the office the following day, experiencing no stiffness in the arm. All signs of the bruise quickly disappeared. A wart on one of my fingers had continued, despite the use of many material remedies; it disappeared, together with many faults of character, through the reading of Mrs. Eddy's textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Pain from burns has been quickly overcome for myself and my two small children, simply by an immediate declaration of the truth, as taught by Mrs. Eddy.

One day, on trying to shut an outer door, I found it did not close quickly, and I immediately pulled again with greater force. I soon realized that my little girl had come unnoticed behind me and had put her hand in the small opening at the back of the door. I released the door, declaring that God did not know of any accident; and not wishing to look at her hand I went quickly to our own room and began to read from Science and Health. In about two minutes she ceased crying, lifted the hand and took up the book. Two persons who had witnessed the accident could not understand why there was not even a mark across her fingers, as the door had completely closed; and upon examining the door, they wondered still more why the bones of her fingers had not been broken. This little one has been freed quickly from fever and convulsions; also from a large spreading sore which originated from a scratch on her chest, and covered chest, neck, and chin, in two days. Work was taken up by a practitioner in each case. In the latter case the sore ceased to spread after a few treatments; and with more faithful work by the practitioner, the sore healed so quickly that my father, who was not a Christian Scientist, said, "I never saw anything heal so quickly."

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