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[Written for the Journal]


From the August 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My hope grew faint, for faith was lost in doubt.
A clamor filled my world, for mortal mind
Was wrestling with each aspect of itself.
I felt my need, and prayed to God for light.
And then one said: My friend, this little book,
The key to all the Bible's sacred lore,
Shows us the way. Read it, and learn.
The burden then will fall from your sad heart
When you awake and know that you have dreamed;
Your restlessness is but a phantasy
Of that which God knows not.
I read; and lo, I understood!
My conflict lost itself in nothingness;
And then I knew that it had never been.
It could not hide in that pure light
That flooded all my soul with joy.
My dream had vanished, and I walked in Love;
And now I understand forevermore!

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