NOT one of those who had been associated with Christ Jesus discerned so clearly the way he taught as did John. He familiarized himself with it by his close attention to Jesus' daily walk and conversation. John knew that Jesus had begun to perform miracles only after he had spent many years taking the footsteps of preparation for his divine ministry. As early as twelve years of age he was concerned with the details of Truth. John saw him destroy many a sin. and heal many a disease, and overcome death also. These progressive footsteps proved Jesus' way to be the way of Truth among his followers, and enabled him to triumph over death for himself.
John's determination to remain true to Jesus' undeviating way resulted in many a bleeding footstep, and it finally culminated in the solitude in which the writing called "Revelation" was accomplished. Now this Revelation includes direction for the footsteps on the way out of evil, and admonition in regard to taking them safely and with the fruits of victory. This divine Revelation was John's bequest to futurity; and in it he explains the final glory that should crown the way, after all the forward footsteps had been taken.
But self-righteous mortals were offended at Truth's discredit of their demands. The rubbish of self-love and self-justification, the rising dust of doubt and denial, the cobbles of hate, and the rocks of resistance with which they spurned and obstructed the way, proved to be a sorry matter for themselves, as well as for many a generation thereafter. But John, knowing that the way had been revealed, for he had seen Christ Jesus pass from one end of it quite to the other end of it,—had seen him take the steps by which he passed beyond slander, malice, and revenge, leaving the fruits of love as landmarks,— John recorded boldly that "he that hath the key of David" saith, "I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it." That is, the truth which has once been disclosed, and demonstrated, and established, can never be lost, though the practice of it may be forestalled for a time during a reign of false effort.