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Testimonies of Healing

When I first read testimonies of...

From the March 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I first read testimonies of Christian Science healing and noticed that many testifiers stated they were more grateful for the spiritual uplifting than for the physical healing, I would wonder what they meant. The word "spiritual" did not mean much to me. It seemed to imply a sort of goody-goody condition in which one gave up everything one really wanted, while trying to believe that because he did this on earth God would give him joys in the future life.

I am now approximating the understanding that "spiritual sense is a conscious, constant capacity to understand God" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 209). To hold to the truth means to me to keep realizing more and more that God is here to give us all good now, and that we need not give up real good or anything that really brings us joy now. Some of us may have a wrong understanding of good, but when we understand God we find we have joy and happiness and content, and that every human need is met now.

I have had many blessings through Christian Science, for all of which I am more than grateful; and I am learning each day how to have real peace. When I feel disturbed or annoyed, I turn immediately to my thinking; and when I have found out what is wrong there, I turn upon the error the searchlight of Truth, and it is destroyed. I have learned this from studying the Bible and Science and Health.

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