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Testimonies of Healing

After fifteen months of suffering...

From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After fifteen months of suffering from a nervous breakdown, caused by a complication of diseases which had not only wrecked me mentally and physically, but my business as well, and after trying every material remedy suggested and prescribed by some of the best medical men in this country, I finally returned to my home convinced that material means offered no help for me.

At this time Christian Science was recommended to me, and when asked if I would try it I answered, "I am willing to try anything." A practitioner was called, and when she came and talked with me about God, and told me that "divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need," as Mrs. Eddy says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 494), I wondered if it was possible that this Science could or would help me. The practitioner left me a copy of Science and Health, also the Bible, and copies of the Journal and Sentinel. I read practically every waking hour and had daily treatments for a time, and began to attend the Wednesday evening testimony meetings and the Sunday services.

I had been on a rigid diet and was in a terribly run-down condition. When I asked the practitioner about diet, she told me to eat anything I wished, without fear of consequences. However, after being on a rigid diet for so long, I would not risk doing this for a few days for fear of results. Each day I tried out things that I especially liked, and finding that I suffered no bad results I was soon eating anything I wished. This demonstration helped to open my eyes to the healing power and possibilities of Truth.

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