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Testimonies of Healing

Every day presents for the Christian Scientist...

From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Every day presents for the Christian Scientist an opportunity for thanksgiving. For over twenty years I have received the blessings that a knowledge of Christian Science brings to one. It is the greatest good that has ever come into my experience, and I cannot be grateful enough to its Discoverer and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy, for her earnest study of the Bible and the resultant clear-cut interpretation of its teachings.

I wish especially at this time to mention a remarkably quick and complete healing of injuries suffered by a little daughter in an automobile mishap. We were taken by a passing motorist to the nearest hospital, only a few blocks distant. A surgeon examined the little girl, pronounced her in a critical condition, and said that it would be three days before he would be able to tell whether she would recover. He said that she must not be moved, and that a trained nurse must be in attendance. By the time this verdict was given I had regained control of my thinking and I asked permission to have a friend, a trained nurse, in attendance rather than one of the regular staff. This request was granted and in less than an hour this friend, formerly a trained nurse but for years a Christian Science nurse and practitioner, was at the hospital.

An X-ray picture showed a skull fracture at the base of the brain involving the mastoid. This had caused excessive hemorrhage from the ear, and the danger lay in infection through the mouth. The fracture extended into the mouth.

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