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Testimonies of Healing

I came into Christian Science, not...

From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I came into Christian Science, not because of a physical healing— though I felt in need of that — but because I loved it and believed it to be the truth. It seemed to me logical and beautiful, and I felt that adherence to it could not fail to benefit me and others. I was deeply touched by the spirituality of Mrs. Eddy, which was plainly apparent to me. I had always believed in the power of prayer, and her chapter on this subject in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" seemed to me so far in advance of even the highest concepts of the age that it appeared as the natural correlative of the Bible, reflecting and explaining its deep spiritual meaning with a similar simplicity, directness, and power.

To be more like Christ Jesus and to learn how to heal others was what I most wanted. I rejoiced when I found that I could help others even before I experienced a definite healing myself. At first my own healings were very slow. I had to be both patient and persistent, but I knew I was on the right road. As years went by and consecrated Christian Scientists shared with me the blessings of wisdom and experience, healings came more easily.

An infected finger and toe that were intensely painful were quickly healed. Chronic indigestion gradually disappeared. Severe colds came less frequently, were sooner over, or were immediately averted. I became stronger, and many unnamed disturbances faded away and gradually disappeared. There is not a shadow of doubt in my mind that Christian Science can heal any disease. Especially I hope that this testimony may cheer those whose healings seem at first slow; this is no cause for discouragement. We should, however, always rejoice in instantaneous healings and expect them.

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