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Testimonies of Healing

I have had so many healings...

From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have had so many healings through Christian Science that it is difficult to know which to mention first. Soon after I returned from England in 1920 typhoid fever manifested itself. This was overcome through radical reliance on God. This healing proved that God, good, is the only power, for I was surrounded by those antagonistic to Christian Science, and some even voiced their fears of my passing on and threatened what they would do to my husband should that occur. A Christian Science practitioner treated me, and all communications had to be by cable as there were no practitioners here.

A more recent healing was that of a broken collar bone. I joined some people in tobogganing down a very steep hill. In trying to stop, I caught my heel in the ground and went rolling over. Soon after saying "the scientific statement of being," found onpage 468 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I got up and joined the rest of the party, and sat there laughing and talking for two hours, until it was time to go home, with no one knowing except those who witnessed the fall and two friends who saw me washing a few blood stains off my hands. As I was without fear, I treated myself as we are taught in Christian Science and filled my thoughts with love and gratitude and rejoicing, and sang some of our hymns. I could not hold my books to read, so I asked a friend who is interested in Christian Science to come and read to me, which she lovingly did. She also played over some hymns for me, but within three days I was able to play them myself. All through this experience the peace of God flooded my consciousness. I did not have the bone set by a doctor, but soon afterward I went swimming, and found myself doing what is known as the Australian crawl, much to the surprise of those present.

I have touched the hem of Christ's robe and am being healed of erroneous thoughts. Mrs. Eddy's statement in Science and Health (p. 269), "Metaphysics resolves things into thoughts, and exchanges the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul," has helped me many times. I am grateful to God for the Christian Science literature, for the Church Manual, and for all of Mrs. Eddy's writings; for every loyal practitioner and Christian Scientist; for The Mother Church and its branch churches, and for class instruction.

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