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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my gratitude...

From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science and for the many times that I have received help. I also wish to relate one or two of my experiences since taking up the study of Christian Science. These healings were brought about by reading the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, without any other aid.

Christian Science came to me almost six years ago at a time when I was suffering from tuberculosis. I had not worked for over a year, and according to the doctor I had gone from bad to worse. He said that he could do nothing more for me and advised that I move to a government hospital, where I could have the conveniences there provided. This I did. On account of my weakness it was necessary to move me there on stretchers, as it was not considered safe for me to walk.

While packing my bag for the trip to the hospital, my wife put in a copy of Science and Health and obtained my promise to read it. After arriving at the hospital and going through the examinations necessary to enter, which took about three weeks, I began to read a little each day from the textbook. I was not interested but was keeping my promise. After doing this for about two weeks I was completely healed of the tobacco habit, which I had been trying to overcome for twelve years. This healing was complete, and came without any effort on my part. After sleeping for about one hour I awoke and found that the desire to smoke was gone, and it has never returned. Deciding that there might be some good in this Science, I telephoned to my wife and requested that she bring me a Bible. I also received a Christian Science Quarterly and really began to study the Bible and the textbook.

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