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Testimonies of Healing

It is with the greatest sense of...

From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with the greatest sense of gratitude that I add my testimony of what the healing power of Christian Science has been to me and mine; for before I knew of this truth which does make free, many were the days, weeks, and months I was confined to my bed suffering with severe attacks of gallstones and various other troubles. But there came a time when the physician said that an operation was imperative if I was to remain with my family. Suffering as I was at that time, I quietly said, "No, doctor, I have made up my mind to try Christian Science." He very kindly said, "My dear, Christian Science may be good for some things, but not for this serious condition." However, I knew from what a friend had told me the day before that "with God all things are possible." This had given me courage to speak to the doctor as I did, and thus ended my trouble with gallstones. I was also subject to very sick headaches, which quite often were of two or three days' duration. Those are also a thing of the past — as are other trials, such as quinsy sore throat, which meant two or three weeks in bed with high fever. Many years have passed since all these bad dreams ended, never to return.

Four years ago my son, who was very ill with pneumonia and after that with many complications which several physicians pronounced incurable, finally turned to Christian Science and was healed. He is now attending to his business and most grateful for his healing. To God for all His goodness, and to Mary Baker Eddy for giving to the whole world this healing truth that we may understand and realize more fully each day that divine Love rules the universe, and also for the loving assistance which has been given me, I am indeed most grateful. My greatest desire is to reflect more and more each day the Christ, Truth, which does make free, as Jesus tells us.—

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