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Testimonies of Healing

Our Leader tells us on page 206...

From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Our Leader tells us on page 206 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" that "in the scientific relation of God to man, we find that whatever blesses one blesses all." With faith in the truth of this statement I desire to share with readers of our periodicals some of the blessings which have come to me as I have endeavored to apply the teachings of Christian Science.

About seven years ago, at the passing on of my husband, I was suddenly confronted with the necessity of supporting my baby and myself. Humanly speaking I had no source of income with which to begin. But with a deep sense of gratitude I can look back today and see that step by step divine Love met my every need, and pointed the way for me to make right preparations and suitable adjustments. After spending a year in graduate study — made possible by the securing of a scholarship — I obtained a most satisfactory college position. I had prayed to know that God had supplied me with the necessary quantity and quality of experience; and that as my child was a blessing she could not interfere with my obtaining a position. I am most grateful to say that the results previously stated were even better than I had anticipated. Not only did I receive satisfactory work, but it came two months earlier than I had thought possible. Gratefully I add that my employment has been continuous and harmonious from that time.

Another demonstration for which I can never be sufficiently grateful is the healing of my little daughter which occurred when she was about four years old. She became ill one evening, and was feverish and delirious during the night. In the morning, however, she was apparently better, although very listless. I was holding her in my arms, where she had fallen into a light sleep. Suddenly she awakened, manifesting very alarming and painful symptoms. I carried her upstairs to bed, at the same time calling to my mother to telephone to a Christian Science practitioner and have him come at once, if he could. In the meantime the child lay on the bed, still in apparent agony, while I bent over her declaring the truth aloud to the best of my ability. The practitioner came and stayed with her for a time. We also secured a Christian Science nurse. During the afternoon there was gradual but continuous relief and improvement manifested; and I must admit that it was to my surprise that I realized in the evening that every inharmonious symptom had disappeared. The nurse returned to her home and the child spent a comfortable night. Because there was no medical examination made, I have never known the name which would have been given to the disorder. Much fear had to be overcome for both the child and myself, but I am grateful to say that no after effects remained and that there has never been a return of the discord. I am indeed thankful for the prompt and loving help given at this time and for the encouragement that this healing experience has been to me many times since.

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