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Testimonies of Healing

Over three years ago I was completely...

From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Over three years ago I was completely discouraged. I had not been feeling well for some time and was gradually growing worse. At last I could not do my work at all, so we called a doctor who, after an examination, said that I had two tumors, one of which was very large. He advised an immediate operation, without which, he said, I should never be well.

Our two girls at that time were six and eight years old, and the thought of having to leave them worried me more than anything else. Several years before I had been healed of influenza through Christian Science after two doctors had given me up. But like a doubting Thomas I thought it might not have been through Science that I recovered. I decided to try Science this time, however, with the result that I was completely healed in two weeks and have remained well. I now have no doubt of the healing power of Christian Science.

I shall never forget the practitioner who helped me. How patient and persevering she was, reflecting love through every word and action! I told her one day that in theory I knew that God could heal me, but that actually I could not make myself believe that He would. She reasoned that God did not make the tumor, therefore it could not be true; so why ask Him to take away something that did not exist? I kept thinking this over and finally I saw the truth so clearly that I knew I was all right, and I have been so ever since.

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