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Testimonies of Healing

Since my first healing through...

From the September 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Since my first healing through Christian Science, more than twenty years ago, I have had healings of many kinds — mental, moral, physical, and financial. I can here touch upon only a few which to me have seemed the most wonderful.

Glasses, which I had worn from childhood for weak and inflamed eyes and astigmatism, were laid aside after ten days of Christian Science treatment, and the healing has been permanent. Catarrh of lifelong standing and hay fever in its worst form have been destroyed; a skin disease covering my entire body, for which I had doctored all my life, and on which several physicians had put their stamp of "incurable," was completely healed by my reading of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy; and I am also free of a kidney trouble which I was told only an operation would relieve.

Business problems have been solved; supply has been demonstrated on many occasions, protection realized, accidents prevented, and the way opened whereby my opportunities for usefulness have been increased. These are some of the benefits I have experienced, and for every one I am deeply grateful. But it is for the healing, in a. measure at least, of fear, criticism, discouragement, doubt, self-depreciation, sensitiveness, resentment, judging, and condemning, and the consciousness of man's God-given dominion which I am gaining in a greater and greater degree that I am most grateful.

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