I SHOULD like to express my gratitude for Christian Science. When it was presented to me sixteen years ago by a very dear friend, I was sick and weary of life and prayed that I might die, as I never enjoyed a well day. I was suffering from nervous prostration and insomnia and was like the woman mentioned in the Bible who "had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse." I did not come into Science for myself, as I felt there was no help for me, but I wanted to find something for my little girl, who was always ailing. A friend gave me some copies of the Christian Science Sentinel to read. I enjoyed reading them and noticed that the articles referred time and again to a book called "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy; so I purchased a copy of this book, and began to read and study it. I was instantaneously healed of insomnia, but the healing of the nervous trouble was slow.
From the time I began to study, however, I never doubted the truths contained in the book. When the way would seem dark and stormy I would thank God for the truth that would make me free. And after much study and many ups and downs, I at last claimed my birthright of freedom, and today I am a well woman, enjoying life, and health, and all good.
Since coming into Christian Science, I have had a complete healing of a very bad case of erysipelas in the head. My husband had an instantaneous healing of blood poisoning in his hand; he has also been healed of sick headaches from which he had suffered for many years, and of two fractured heels and a broken bone in the ankle. The accident occurred while he was at his work, and in order to get compensation we had to submit to an X ray. The doctor and nurse at the hospital who took the photographs wanted to put my husband in bed for six months and put both feet and ankles in plaster casts. We thanked them and I told them I had taken my husband there merely to satisfy the compensation board; that we were going home and I could take care of him. We did not have any more trouble and my husband was back at work in eleven weeks. I might add that when the doctor saw the X-ray plates he stated that my husband would not be able to put his feet to the ground for at least six months; and on account of his age, they expected complications to set in and give a lot of trouble; but the same doctor signed my husband's release which enabled him to return to his work in eleven weeks. I had denied every statement as the doctor made it, knowing that God's man is never subject to so-called laws of matter, but that God's law renders null and void any such law.