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Testimonies of Healing

My first experience in Christian...

From the February 1936 issue of The Christian Science Journal

MY first experience in Christian Science was the healing of indigestion, of an abnormal condition of the bowels, and of extreme nervousness. I continued the study of Christian Science and have received many beautiful healings.

Very early one evening a short time ago a neighbor called at our house on an errand. The lights were on in the house but there was no response to his knock on the door. The next morning he called again, but still there was no response; and the lights were still burning. He then realized that something was wrong, so he called some of the workmen on the farm and they procured a ladder and entered the house through a second-floor window. They found my husband and me lying unconscious in different parts of the house, where we had fallen, overcome by monoxide gas poisoning. My husband's employer had us sent immediately to a nearby hospital. A neighbor, who was interested in Christian Science, having heard the verdict of the physician, called a Christian Science practitioner and asked her to help us. She immediately went to the hospital, and was met by the physician in charge, who informed her that I was beyond human aid and that there was not the slightest hope of my recovery. Science treatment was immediately begun, and in five days I was discharged. My husband was detained longer because of gas sores and a poisonous condition from the gas.

With a sense of humility and gratitude I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to God for this marvelous healing and to our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for her untiring efforts in presenting to the whole world this Science of Christianity, which can be applied to every phase of human existence. I am grateful for the privileges afforded to me through membership in a branch church—teaching in the Sunday school, and giving the glad tidings to those confined in institutions, a never-ending joy. My heart goes out in gratitude to the faithful practitioners for their loving, unselfish work.—

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