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From the July 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel, June 11, 1938]

From the first the published works of our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, were printed and bound by reputable concerns in Boston who did good work throughout the years. In 1920, the then Trustees of the Publishing Society purchased the bindery which for many years had bound all our leather -covered books. In October, 1922, the bindery was taken over by the Trustees under Mrs. Eddy's Will, and was housed on St. Stephen Street until the completion of the new Publishing House, where the binding has since been done. It has recently seemed expedient to return to the original plan of having the binding done by an outside concern, as it was in our Leader's time, and as a satisfactory proposition to purchase the bindery equipment was made by a Cambridge firm, the sale has now been completed.

Skilled workmen who have done this work for many years will as heretofore do the binding, the new firm having taken them over. It should be clearly understood that at no time, either while our Leader was personally with us or since then, except for a brief period during the World War, have any of Mrs. Eddy's works been printed within the Publishing House, the printing, with the exception referred to, having always been done by outside firms, as it is at present. The printing and binding of all the periodicals, including The Christian Science Monitor, will continue to be done in the Publishing House, as heretofore.

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