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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science first came to...

From the July 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science first came to my attention about nineteen years ago through a member of my family who was healed through Christian Science treatments when all material remedies had failed. However, I did not take up the study of it for physical healing, but for a clearer concept of God.

I began to study the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, but it was some time before the smallest idea of Truth unfolded to me. Then, when the truth did unfold that all is Mind and everything has a mental cause, I discovered that I had been healed of a severe throat trouble which had recurred every winter since childhood. I had been told by a physician that it would never be overcome until a surgical operation was performed, but I am grateful to say that the only operation necessary was the operation of Truth in my thinking.

I have also been healed of a tuberous corn on the sole of my foot. This had been troubling me for several years, although it was more sensitive at times than others. At last it became so annoying that I was compelled to take my stand for Truth and find the seeming cause of the difficulty. In working over this, I was led to read in the Bible the story of King Asa, who "was diseased in his feet, . . . yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers." This brought to my attention that a suggestion of material remedy had been coming to me, and that was the thorn which was causing the discomfort and must be rooted out. After I had taken my firm stand that God was the only remedy, error seemed more real for a time. But by knowing that when error is exposed it may seem more aggravating, I was able to rise above sense testimony and see its nothingness. I soon forgot about it. In a short time the discordant manifestation vanished.

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