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From the July 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the eleventh chapter of Hebrews is set forth a striking picture of the faith, courage, and spiritual power of a long line of Biblical characters through whose trust in God, and masterful achievements, there was revealed to the world the unfolding Christ-idea and the power of God.

Faith in God was paramount in their lives, and their allegiance to Truth was unwavering. There was with them little or no evasion in the performance of their duty. And their faithfulness prepared the way for the coming of Christ Jesus, through whom was given to mankind the rich heritage of Christianity.

The efforts of these godly men to uplift the standard of spirituality for the children of Israel, and their vision of the fuller coming of the Christ, set an outstanding example of faithfulness. Referring to the return of the exiles, Isaiah cried, "Prepare ye the way of the people; . . . gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people."

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