On many occasions during the nineteen years that I have been a student of Christian Science, I have expressed gratitude at Wednesday evening meetings in our churches for the many blessings this religion has brought to me, and I should have availed myself long ago of the further privilege of testifying to these blessings through our periodicals.
When I was a reporter on a morning newspaper, I suffered a general breakdown in my health, including a severe nervous condition and incipient pulmonary trouble. I was very young, had little confidence in religion, and almost a contempt for what I believed Christian Science to be. This attitude was so pronounced that I even attempted to prevent Christian Science church announcements from appearing in the religious news columns which were under my care.
It was only when physicians said they could do little to help me and I was in great despair that I welcomed the kind invitation of a friend to investigate Christian Science because of his confidence that it would restore me to complete well-being. Through the help of a Christian Science practitioner, I was soon restored to health, and was offered a better position under improved conditions.