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From the August 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What a word is freedom; how little understood, yet how earnestly sought after by mankind! All the world loves the thought of freedom, but few are agreed as to its nature or how to achieve it.

Paul, having demanded his legal protection as a Roman citizen, said to the chief captain, "I was free born." The apostle regarded his Roman citizenship as a useful guarantee of freedom from injustice under the Roman law. There is abundant evidence, however, that he, like the spiritually-minded in all ages, acknowledged but one supreme God, who maintains all His ideas in perfect freedom. Higher than human statutes, God's infallible divine law bestows upon the offspring of Deity the full freedom of sonship, and maintains perpetually his true status as a citizen of God's kingdom. Mrs. Eddy points this out clearly on page 227 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," in the words, "God made man free," and continues: "All men should be free. 'Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.' Love and Truth make free, but evil and error lead into captivity."

Understanding Spirit as the only real Lawgiver, whose statutes operate continuously for the benefit of all His creation, Paul had dominion over fear, and over the sting of the poisonous viper. He was enabled to heal the sick and to assure his companions on the perilous voyage that they would be rescued from the fury of the sea. Knowing that he was divinely protected in every circumstance, he could stand firm in the face of persecution, and meet with unflinching courage the greatest tests of his Christian discipleship. Paul realized his freedom under spiritual law, as revealed by Christ Jesus, and was faithful and obedient to his realization. Therefore, no human bonds could prevent him from thinking and acting rightly, and thus fulfilling his mission. Was not this true freedom, divinely bestowed and maintained?

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