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From the August 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

True self-consciousness is concerned with the understanding of man as spiritual. False self-consciousness is concerned with the belief of man as mortal. Every mortal has been labeled by false thinking as being timid or aggressive, intelligent or stupid, attractive or ugly, or as having one or more of many other personal characteristics, good or bad. To put off these false labels, to become conscious of himself as in reality an individuality created by God and expressing only perfect qualities, is a large part of the work of the Christian Scientist.

Many believe that they possess what is termed self-consciousness in an extreme degree. All through their human experience such persons appear to suffer because of this restrictive and painful failing. This limiting label of mortal mind can be removed, for it is but a mistaken consciousness of self, an ignorance of the true self. This mistrust claims to induce a dread of not appearing well before one's fellows. Perhaps it argues also for an inefficient, inadequate, and incapable self; for an embarrassed, inexperienced, confused self; for an unlovely, unattractive, unprepared self.

Right consciousness of self, on the other hand, means the realization that "now are we the sons of God." Gaining this true sense, we are not unduly concerned with pleasing mortals, but are engrossed in an effort to please God. True consciousness means consciousness of a self reflecting the radiance and strength, attractiveness and intelligence, of Mind. This true sense of spiritual selfhood, identifying one with the glories of God, destroys the paralyzing belief in inferiority.

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