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From the August 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Dictionary defines the word "determination" in part as follows: "The quality of mind which reaches definite conclusions; decision; resoluteness." These synonyms of "determination" are also given: "Conclusion, judgment, purpose; resolution, resolve, firmness."

It is a truism that a right determination to accomplish any good result is essential to the achievement of that result. Far from being the use of so-called human will, right determination brings thought into obedience to God's will. Right determination expresses good will in action. And as God has given us all good without limit, we may utilize good for the accomplishment of a righteous purpose continually.

The vision of the good to be accomplished, or unfolded in human experience, whether in a small achievement or a larger one, comes from our Father-Mother God. From the same divine source come also the determination and ability to fulfill the vision. It might be said that demonstration of God's power to heal naturally follows right determination and persistence—qualities which are closely correlated in thought, action, and result.

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