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[Original article in German]

From the August 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On page 4 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, declares that "what we most need is the prayer of fervent desire for growth in grace." This passage and others in the same work show the great importance which Mrs. Eddy attached to the quality of grace.

There is frequent mention of grace in the Scriptures. Particularly have Moses, the Psalmist, and Paul sung its praises. But most people have only a vague understanding of its importance in human life. Consequently, grace is regarded by many as something separate from God, and as merely a human quality. From this ignorance regarding the true nature of grace arises the widespread belief that some individuals are more favored by God than are others.

What wondrous light Christian Science throws on this question! In complete agreement with the Bible, it acknowledges God as divine Love, the source of all good. It reveals grace as an attribute of infinite Love. Thus grace is a divine influence which can be utilized in the effort to do right, or to rectify error; and there is no one who may not utilize it. Those who have prayed "for growth in grace" in Christian Science know that it helps them to solve the problems of daily living.

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