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From the August 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Broken and fettered in our human stress,
Entangled in the snares of earthly fear,
The voice of Truth bids us be whole and free,
To rise and walk with Love forever near.

Or walking on the waves of human self,
Sinking beneath the load of error's pride,
We hear the Christly voice, and courage comes,
To find Love's healing presence at our side.

Like Mary, weeping at the sepulcher,
Blinded, we fail our human hopes to meet,
But turn and find the ever-risen Christ,
And bear His message on with joyful feet.

Hidden behind the doors that fear has closed,
Trembling, we wait and pray for courage new,
To find Love's presence standing in the midst,
And steadfast strength unfolded to our view.

Wearied through lack, we look toward the morn
From fruitless night of human toil and care,
And as the light of Spirit gleams, we see
The fullness of Love's substance shining there.

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