I have long wished to express in some way my gratitude for the many blessings Christian Science has brought to me and mine. Every time I meet difficulties I have only to recall the experiences in the past six years since my husband and I became students of Christian Science. Into my thought comes a procession of proofs of God's loving care, and of memories of the many times when the Scriptural promise, "Before they call, I will answer," was fulfilled, so that I determine never to be discouraged again, or to doubt the efficacy of prayer, as taught by Mrs. Eddy.
I wish I could at least list each blessing, even if I could not tell all about it. But that is impossible, because there have been so many. The first experience of help was at the time of the birth of our son. The doctor had said that seventeen hours would elapse before the birth. But my husband went to the telephone and called a Christian Science practitioner for help. When he returned, the baby had arrived. He is now five years old, attends Sunday school, and is gaining an understanding of Christian Science.
We have a nice home, although at first we thought that our finances were too limited to consider even a very modest one. My husband has remained in his position all through the so-called depression. In all these years we have had all we needed, and much more, because our Father cared for us abundantly.