In the Bible we read, "Praise ye the Lord: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely."
Gratefully and reverently, I wish to express my joy for all God's tender mercies. In the spring of 1935 I was indeed on a barren shore, for I was homeless, sick, and full of fear. My income was cut off, and many times I was penniless. At this time I had a lawsuit pending, and much pressure was put upon me and upon all who befriended or associated with me. Many unjust and cruel proceedings were brought about to force me to relinquish my just claim to property. The God to whom I was praying seemed to be afar off, and I did not know that error had no power to take from me what was rightfully mine, as a child of God.
While living with relatives, I became acquainted with a Christian Science practitioner through some beautiful healing work done in their home. I realized immediately that she represented something that I knew nothing about. At about this time I was presented with the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. In less than three weeks I received many beautiful healings through reading this wonderful book. One healing was of a longstanding case of rheumatism, and another of sick headaches. I learned that self-pity and self-justification are errors.