It was not for physical healing that I turned to Christian Science, but rather for a way of life—something to turn to for guidance. From a human standpoint, my life was a very happy one, but always there were questions which could be answered only in Christian Science.
During the early part of my childhood I intermittently attended an orthodox Sunday school and a Christian Science Sunday School—depending on whether I was living at the time with my parents, who were slightly interested in Science, or with relatives. At about the age of twelve I decided that I preferred the Christian Science Sunday School. A few years later I took up the study of Christian Science in earnest, devoting many hours daily to this wonderful study.
Suddenly there were testing times. I became very ill, and because I was under age and at the time living with relatives upon whose support I depended, and because these dear people were frightened, I acceded to their wishes and underwent two operations within eight months— the first for appendicitis and the second for an obstruction in the upper bowel. From childhood I had been bothered with constipation, and after these operations the doctor warned me against going one day without a bowel movement. He said if necessary I should take a laxative every night. This made me very tearful for a while, but the time came when I took my stand wholeheartedly for Christian Science. I was then living in the home of Scientists, and for the loving help I received from the mother and daughter of this household I shall ever be grateful. I learned that the real man is the image and likeness of God, spiritual not material, and that there is no obstruction in Mind, no paralysis. Following this trend of thought faithfully for ten days or so, I found myself well, and the healing, which occurred many years ago, has been permanent.