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From the February 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When by the sea Tiberias Jesus stood,
His thought illumed with resurrection light,
He spake to his disciples, who in vain
Had toiled throughout a dark and cheerless night,
Saying, Cast on the right side, ye shall find.
Although they knew him not, at his command—
Sensing its quiet power—they cast again,
And multitudes of fishes drew to land.

And that disciple of the Lord beloved
Gazed on the Master, and in glad surprise,
"It is the Lord," he cried. "It is the Lord,"
As recognition dawned within his eyes.
How drooping faith revived, as that loved voice
Proclaimed with sweet assurance Spirit's power;
Ah, what a change from night of labored toil
Into the victory of that morning hour!

Take heart today, disciple of the Christ!
Though dark the night, and futile seems your toil,
You labor not in vain—the Christ is here,
To speak the word that shall the tempter foil.
Turn from the night-time of earth's doubt and fear,
Expectant cast your net on Spirit's side;
Then shall you know the resurrection morn,
And blessings manifold with you abide.

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