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From the February 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Among the false laws of mortal mind claiming to hold mankind in bondage, one which has brought much of fear, sorrow, and suffering is that of old age. The law has been laid down, and generally accepted, that after the passing of a certain number of years one is no longer fit for right employment in business, or to enjoy health and engage in normal activities, but must be content with a few years of increasing inactivity, helplessness, and uselessness, until death brings fancied release.

Far different are the teachings of Christian Science, for when understood and applied they bring hope, relief, and healing to those seemingly under the burden of this false belief. This Science teaches that God, Mind, knows nothing of the human concept of years; no such belief has place in the spiritual universe, where God is All and matter unknown. In the universe of God's creating, time is unknown, the only measurement being the continuous and eternal unfoldment of good, of activity, of life.

The belief of age is an offshoot of the false concept of creation, as recorded in the second chapter of Genesis, where man is said to have been made of the dust of the ground. Could such a man be the image and likeness of God, perfect and eternal? Dust is but a phase of matter, nothingness, blown about by every passing wind. Of material man, so called, the Psalmist said: "His days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more." Is it any wonder that such a false concept should be subject to blight and impairment, to decay and death?

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