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From the May 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There came to me from the one to whom I had written it, a letter which brought to mind an occasion described in detail in a Concord, New Hampshire, newspaper thus:

"Sunday was a memorable day in the history of the Christian Science church of this city. The building is known as Christian Science Hall; it was dedicated only a few months ago, and Sunday was the first time, at a regular service, that the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, has appeared in person in its pulpit. The audience-room was found inadequate to accommodate the people who gathered early to attend; many were unable to obtain seats, and others failed to gain even admission.

"Mrs. Eddy invited as guests to attend the service, the forty-seven First Members of the Mother Church in Boston, nearly all of whom were present, coming and returning on a special train, and there was also a delegation of fifteen from Montreal.

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