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From the May 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Jesus allowed neither time, place, nor circumstance to interfere with his healing work. According to Scriptural records, people were healed in the synagogues through Jesus' teaching and practice, although there were present those who entertained varying attitudes toward him and his ministry, some being indifferent, others openly opposed and unfriendly. Obviously, Jesus was not controlled by what those about him were thinking or doing.

Jesus was continuously conscious of the truth which Mrs. Eddy has expressed in these words (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 503): "Infinite space is peopled with God's ideas, reflecting Him in countless spiritual forms." Because he knew that man is not material, living in a material universe, Jesus was not subject to the limitations of material beliefs. He knew his true self as the spiritual idea of God, living in a universe of spiritual ideas.

Scientifically speaking, in our true selfhood we are spiritual and dwell in the universe of Mind. In reality, there is no other place to dwell. Although he was doubted and misunderstood, yet Jesus did his work faithfully and well, knowing that the only environment is all-inclusive Love. This fact has been the basis of the solution of many difficult situations throughout all time. Daniel knew this while in the lions' den. Paul and Silas knew it while in the prison, and Jesus knew it in the tomb, knew it so unquestionably that in three days he was free from the belief in death.

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