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From the May 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Scientists are unceasingly grateful to Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, for the revelation of the truth about God and man, the revelation that has wrought salvation from sin, sickness, poverty, and discord for many, and is bringing happiness to untold thousands throughout the world.

In expressing and striving to live our gratitude for and to our Leader, should we not be grateful also for the means through which she gave the revealed truth to the world, namely, the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures"? This textbook is the result of progressive steps of divine inspiration and unfoldment taken by Mrs. Eddy. It presents the final and complete revelation of the truth about God, man, and the universe. It explains the spiritual import of Scriptural teachings, and is, as its title indicates, the "key" which unlocks and opens the way to understand, appreciate, and love the spiritual truths contained in the Bible. It contains the rules for applying the truths which Christian Science reveals, the Science which destroys error and brings to light the real man as the image and likeness of God.

This textbook explains man's heritage of good, and how, on a spiritual basis, each one can claim good as his own, and recognize his indissoluble unity with God, divine Love, the Father-Mother of all. It unmasks the foe falsely claiming power to rob one of this heritage, shows the unreality and powerlessness of evil, and teaches one how to meet and defeat the adversary. There is nothing for the spiritual good of mankind that cannot be found in this book, and nothing in it that does not lead thought to the highest manifestation of good.

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