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From the August 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christianity made practical will save men from the effects of crime and reconstruct the wrongdoer into a right thinker. For example, a case of healing was once reported in The Mother Church. The speaker said he had suffered bitterly from dyspepsia. He was in charge of a mill where a thousand women and children worked. After he had become normal through healing, he recognized that through bad temper and his unreasonableness and faultfinding, through constant irritability, he had been making a hell for the employees. But when he began to pray aright, he became obedient to the true law and allowed it to operate for the healing and welfare of others, as well as for himself.

One of the things we remember about Harry Lauder is his compassion for the pit ponies laboring for their masters, but kept callously confined in the dark depths of the coal mines. He had the little neighbors brought up to the surface, so that they could have Sundays of sunlight; and that showed the heart of the man and gave point to his apothegm that we should build friendships so as not to need battleships.

In the story of the man assaulted and robbed on the dangerous Jericho road, it is related how the priest passed by on the other side; the Levite paused to look, but then went on. The Samaritan, however, compassionately knelt by the side of the maimed man, applied first aid to his wounds, and then bore him away to shelter. The Master said this was neighborliness and commended it.

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