Here—where I stand today—is holy ground;
It matters not just where that place may be.
In busy market place, in field, in town,
God's love and care do still encompass me.
Not in the hot pursuit of worldly joys,
On earth's vain stage playing a foremost part,
In quiet longing, and in silent prayer,
Was born this wondrous truth into my heart.
I have put off my shoes from off my feet,
Clad in humility's soft garb I stand,
The love of place and power laid aside—
I wait on God, and hear Love's dear command,
Be not afraid! My presence still with thee
Shall ever go. Wherever thou mayest be
My strength is thine. Courage and hope and love
Are ever with thee—walk with footsteps free.
This is the thing committed to my trust,
Which I must guard and tend with every care.
Sheltered within me is the consciousness
That God is Love—and Love is everywhere.