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From the August 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"There are no greater miracles known to earth than perfection and an unbroken friendship," writes Mary Baker Eddy on page 80 of her book entitled "Retrospection and Introspection." It is significant that Mrs. Eddy linked the word "perfection" with the words "unbroken friendship."

Perfection is the immortal standard revealed in Christian Science. Through understanding and demonstration, or the utilization of the laws of God as Christian Science reveals them, the true sense of perfection is attainable. To human thinking this standard seems too idealistic and impossible of attainment, but spiritual thinking accepts nothing less than perfection as the eternal standard. In Christian Science, then, the standard of "unbroken friendship" cannot be lowered or changed any more than can the standard of spiritual perfection, on which it is based.

In so far as there is true friendship, or the manifestation of divine Love, human relationship becomes fine, satisfying, lasting, and of service. In other words, whatever there may be of true and permanent worth in the relationship of parent and child, sisters and brothers, husband and wife, employer and employee, or teacher and student is basically spiritual. In so far as the spiritual sense of friendship is fostered and nurtured in all these relationships will there be joy and mutual blessing.

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