Twenty-three years ago, when I was desperately in need of physical healing, we began the study of Christian Science, after every available means of material help had been tried and my hope of recovery was gone.
As a result of two premature childbirths, I was in such a state of nervous collapse that I could not sleep or walk, and could scarcely sit up. I suffered pain continually. I had had hay fever and asthma during the summer months for fifteen years, and was at that time inhaling the fumes of a powder in order to breathe. The nervous condition with its accompanying ailments had kept me in bed for the greater part of three years. I had grown very thin and weak, and, believing death to be a means of relief, I prayed to die.
My mother, who had come many miles to be with me, recommended to my husband that, as a last resort, we try Christian Science. He complied willingly. Calling a Christian Science practitioner listed in the city's telephone directory, he told her that it was thought I might improve if I could only sleep. She said that I would sleep and that she would call the next day. That night I slept for twelve hours.