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From the December 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Man eternally dwells in Mind. He is inseparable from his creator, divine Love, from Truth, forever expressing Life. Awareness of this great fact reveals the unreality of a belief of separation from good, and brings to human consciousness a sense of spiritual dominion and a glimpse of unlimited possibilities of achievement. Through the ages, men and women of spiritual intuition have demonstrated the liberating effect of this knowledge. The prophets had moments of deep spiritual insight which lifted them to divine heights, where they surmounted material laws through a realization of their inseparability from God. Christ Jesus, however, was the first to state unequivocally, "I and my Father are one." His ministry was a continuous proof of the healing power of such knowledge.

It remained for Mary Baker Eddy to discover and to explain to mankind the Principle underlying demonstrations of spiritual power. In "Miscellaneous Writings" she says (p. 196:) "The sweet, sacred sense and permanence of man's unity with his Maker, in Science, illumines our present existence with the ever-presence and power of God, good."

Today the world's greatest need is for an understanding of the unity which eternally exists between God and man. An understanding of this spiritual fact brings unity between men, in world affairs, in church work, in family relations. Beliefs of separation must be unmasked and rebuked on the basis of their nothingness, their powerlessness to change the facts of being.

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