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From the December 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Every true idea, every step of genuine progress, that has come to the human race has come by way of spiritual unfoldment. When we are receptive to it, this divine light or spiritual revelation comes to each one of us in our everyday experience and inevitably awakens a desire for greater progress—progress that can come in satisfying measure only as a result of our gaining a more intimate understanding of God, infinite Mind or divine Principle.

To recognize and acknowledge this activity as a divine fact opens the way for greater harmony and success in demonstration, because as we let each daily experience be to us a part of our spiritual progress or unfoldment, we begin to understand more of reality—more of God, Spirit, as the only consciousness, and therefore the only basis of real existence. With this awakening comes greater spontaneity, joy, freedom, and activity, which infinite Mind alone can give us.

Spiritual unfoldment means the coming to light of man's true nature as the son of God. It includes the reflection or manifestation of all that is real, harmonious, and perfect. It is Love expressing its own irresistible nature and completeness. It is God being expressed. And as such it has no beginning and no ending, but is ever appearing, now as always, from the very nature of infinity itself. This unfoldment in consciousness discloses the animus of creation, Life, Truth, and Love.

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