To many of us who are proving the healing efficacy of Christian Science, there comes some demonstration which seems more outstanding than all others.
One such demonstration, for which I am exceedingly grateful, occurred about seven years ago, when I was working in an industrial laboratory. One day I was heating a very volatile liquid on an electric hot plate. I had done this many times before, watching it very carefully to be sure that the liquid became hot but did not exceed its kindling point. Suddenly I noticed a spark, and at that instant started to remove the container from the hot plate. As I did so, the liquid burst into flames. I did not heed the fact that the vapors of the liquid had penetrated my clothing, and I started to run to the hallway to get a fire extinguisher, without realizing that my clothes were aflame. I was stopped by one of the men as I reached the doorway. He tried to pull off my laboratory coat, and as soon as I realized my clothes were afire I tried to put out the flames with my bare hands. When the flames were extinguished, I found that my hair, chest, and hands were badly burned. Even my eyelashes and eyebrows were burned off.
I went into the washroom and tried to realize the unreal nature of the situation. I declared over and over again "the scientific statement of being" as found on page 468 of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, particularly the first two sentences: "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all."