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From the March 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Ever-Increasing numbers are hearing of and enjoying the inspiring services held by Christian Science churches and societies throughout the world. To multitudes these churches are havens of rest and spiritual refreshment, places where one may freely go and find true spiritual enlightenment. The harmony, tranquillity, and mental peace prevalent at Christian Science services are found to be conducive to pure, clear thinking, whereby one's mental home is set in order to receive divine intuitions, which meet every human need. Moreover. Christian Scientists are learning that every such service they attend brings them closer to God, closer to ever-present and eternal perfection, where there is no discord, no strife, no disease, no death, but where all is harmonious, beautiful, good, and true.

It was divine wisdom which led Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, to establish a type of preaching in The Mother Church and its branches designed to exclude mere human hypotheses and erroneous mortal beliefs. She knew that unenlightened personal opinions tend to confuse the thoughts of men and to cloud the inspired Word of the Bible, which, when correctly understood, liberates men from discord, sin, poverty, and sickness. At all Christian Science Sunday services, an Explanatory Note is read from the Christian Science Quarterly, in which it is stated, "The Bible and the Christian Science textbook are our only preachers."

The great Teacher and healer, Christ Jesus, counseled us to "beware of false prophets," misleading human theories. He understood that the healing power of Spirit could be fully realized only through a correct understanding of the undefiled Word of God. He understood that our demonstration of God's infinite, ever-present goodness is dependent upon our understanding of the law of Principle, and not upon aberrant human hypotheses and fallible personal opinions. Many have learned that disappointments and human suffering result from resting one's hopes upon mistaken beliefs often based upon false theology, while through understanding the uncontaminated Word of God, Truth, men find their way to all good—peace, joy, health, and plenty.

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