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From the March 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For many people, the first healing which they experienced in Christian Science came with a flood of light. They were carried from a dark valley to the mountaintop, where all things had become new. The celestial joy which is a sure sign of the divine presence, outshone all their previous dreams of happiness.

That such bliss was not visionary, the following facts give proof: first, the restoration to health was found lasting; secondly, there occurred at the same time a change in character, a disappearance of some faults against which there had perhaps been a long and unsuccessful struggle. Even if inclined to skepticism, people cannot deny that something has taken place when a member of the family, long an invalid, is suddenly healed without recourse to material means, and shows at the same time a remarkable improvement in character—when some ugly trait gives place to patience and Christian charity.

One who has been thus healed knows without a shadow of doubt that the blessing is not due to his own personal merits. He knows that God alone could bring about what would be humanly called a miracle; and if his gratitude is sincere, his daily life will show a decided change. Instead of himself first, it will be God first; instead of "I must have this," it will be,"Thy will be done," with the conviction that the divine will is far better than so-called human wisdom.

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