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From the March 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Jesus came revealing the truth about God and man and demonstrating the way of redemption for mankind. He well knew that the man of God's creating needs no salvation. but that humanity can be redeemed from its belief in mortality only by knowing and demonstrating the truth about God and man. In his prayer, as recorded in the seventeenth chapter of John, the Master said, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." Therefore we are to know God and the real man as demonstrated by Christ Jesus.

The truth about God and man comes to mankind only by degrees, and can be demonstrated only in proportion as it is understood. Mortal mind may suggest the loss of the truth which one has discerned, or that a mental state of fear, doubt, or discouragement can prevent progress and healing. The understanding of God and man, and of the power of the Christ, Truth, proves the falsity of all such suggestions and destroys one's fear of them.

What is the truth about God and man? God is Truth, the eternal verity, infinite Mind and its creation, including man. Truth is one of the seven synonyms for God used by Mary Baker Eddy in her definition of God (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p.465):"God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love." God's eternal knowing of Himself and what He includes— His infinite expression of being—is man, Truth expressed. Therefore, the man of God's creating, the only real man, is spiritual, and inseparable from God.

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