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From the March 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christ Jesus understood and steadfastly relied upon the spiritual truth revealed in the older Scriptures. He advised his hearers to study them. Frequently, when answering some important question, he would quote Scripture to substantiate his statements. Today thoughtful, earnest students of the Bible are finding the same spiritual truth that Jesus recognized and utilized during his sojourn among men, and this truth is bringing, to those who understand and demonstrate it, a larger measure of peace, health, happiness, and prosperity than they had before experienced. Our Master believed, and taught his followers to believe, that the promises of God are kept. In his Sermon on the Mount, he stressed the point that men should pray in secret, and that God, the Father, would reward openly those who prayed aright. The life, teachings, and works of Christ Jesus furnished the highest and best example of faithfulness to truth ever presented to mankind; but the Old Testament contains many accounts of the unfailing rewards which came to those individuals who were obedient to God and faithful in following His divine guidance.

The second chapter of II Kings records the experience of Elijah and Elisha at the time when they were to be separated. Both of these prophets knew that the time of parting was at hand. Elisha discerned the spiritual understanding and power of Elijah, and was truly desirous of obtaining more of spiritual power, in order to emulate the good works he had witnessed as results of Elijah's spiritual understanding of God, good. It is evident that Elisha perceived the importance of faithfully continuing his association with Elijah, in order that he might gain more of the spiritual inspiration and spiritual power which he knew would be available to him if he was obedient and receptive.

During their journey from Gilgal to Jordan, Elijah offered Elisha the opportunity to tarry at different places, while he continued the journey alone; but each time Elisha steadfastly declared, "As the Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee." When they reached the Jordan, Elijah smote the waters with his mantle and they were divided, thus enabling the prophets to cross on dry ground. Then said Elijah to Elisha, "Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee." And Elisha said, "I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me." Although Elijah considered the request "a hard thing," he made the granting of the request conditional upon the continued alertness, faithfulness, and obedience of Elisha; hence his answer, "Nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not. it shall not be so." Elisha was not found wanting. He did not for-sake the truth he knew. He was awake, alert, alive to a glorious opportunity, and the outcome was certain. He witnessed the manifestation of Love, and faithful obedience to Love, God, was rewarded. After this enlightening experience. Elisha continued to prove God's power to heal, save, protect, and provide for the children of men.

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