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From the May 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Prayerful and earnest endeavors enabled Mrs. Eddy to discover Christian Science, Christ's remedy for every human ill. She discovered this Science as she earnestly studied the Bible, and thereafter she became its Founder and the Leader of the Christian Science movement, directing each forward step in its phenomenal progress.

Men everywhere today are recognizing perhaps slowly, but surely, through the guiding light of Christianity and the ever increasing beneficence of Christian Science, something of the tasks that lie before them. Today they are faced with grave problems. In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 29) the author, Mary Baker Eddy, states: "Christian experience teaches faith in the right and disbelief in the wrong. It bids us work the more earnestly in times of persecution, because then our labor is more needed."

At the present time the need for spiritual alertness is great, as great as ever before in the history of nations, for the methods of anti-Christ are aggressive and subtly active in the attempt to defeat the Christ-idea, and to destroy all the good which has been accomplished. We need to be on guard, to be armed with spiritual alertness, to be loyal to the Christ-teachings, and to serve with dignity, in order to face the situation with divine authority and thus defend ourselves, our country, and our Church against the suggestions of evil and defeat.

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