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From the May 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wandered far, I sought strange lands to see,
I satisfied my childish wish to roam;
Yet after long and weary miles I found
I never once had left my Father's home.

I builded me a house with vaulted rooms,
I planted lovely gardens, sweet and fair,
And looked with foolish pride upon my work,
Until I found God's presence everywhere.

I gathered harvests rich for winter store,
That I might never want when winds blew wild;
Yet as I worked for self, a message came:
"Accept and share thy Father's gifts, my child."

And then at last I found my birthright sure,
An heir of God, His image, joyous, free;
And I shall keep close watch within my heart,
Lest I forget God always walks with me.

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