Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, in the course of an address given to her March Primary Class some fifty-two years ago, made the following arresting statement (Miscellaneous Writings, pp. 279, 280): "We, to-day, in this class-room, are enough to convert the world if we are of one Mind; for then the whole world will feel the influence of this Mind; as when the earth was without form, and Mind spake and form appeared." This statement was heard by a group of students, who assuredly knew that the utterance was based upon years of practical demonstration, of unchallengeable proof, of the power and availability of the one Mind.
All down the ages men have recognized and valued the power of unanimity in thought and action. An impressive account is given in the Acts of the Apostles, when the disciples were illumined in that amazing experience on the day of Pentecost. With a zeal born of a new understanding of the Master's teaching, Peter delivered his great Christian sermon, and three thousand in a single day were added to their ranks. Soon afterwards Peter and John gave undeniable proof of the power and availability of this teaching by instantaneously restoring to activity and usefulness the lame man, who was "laid daily at the gate of the temple" to ask alms. When Peter said, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk," the lame man, "leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God." There "in the porch that is called Solomon's" the people listened to Peter's simple explanation of the healing they had just witnessed. That little band of early Christians had glimpsed the fact of man's indissoluble at-one-ment with God, infinite Mind, divine Love.
The men of that day, as the Scriptural record clearly shows, felt the influence of this unity with the one Mind; and the number and greatness of the works which Jesus, the master Christian, had done and taught them to do, increased. Thus for about three centuries this mighty power was in evidence and its influence spread. Then came that period of spiritual darkness when schism and disruption appeared and increased, and the light of Truth was lost sight of.