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From the May 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Is it possible for one individual to have any influence in saving the world? Are we just helpless, hapless, and hopeless in these days of confusion—or is there truth in the saying that every little helps, no good thought is fruitless, no good act performed in vain?

Here is the message of the sixty-seventh Psalm: "God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; that thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations." For us, surely, the beauty of progress in Christian Science is a knowledge that every man, finding the blessing of healing for himself, can thus aid the world in its efforts for deliverance from evil.

We are living in a time when the whole world and all the children of men are in sore travail. Good men, and evil ones also, have to endure disappointment, though the disappointment of evil intentions is not so much of a calamity as is a failure of good purpose and honest endeavor. Since we have to live in these changing conditions, when long-held philosophies are of no use, how are we to live with ourselves so as to find comfort from God, and how can we be of some use to those who are afraid and hopeless and do not know where to turn for aid?

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