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From the May 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"He sent his word, and healed them." This statement describes the Christian Science treatment, for such treatment is the Word of God finding expression in the activity of true prayer. It is God revealing Himself, declaring Himself, manifesting Himself. It is the utterance of infinite Truth listened to and completely acknowledged until consciousness accepts the fact that nothing exists but the perfect good that God made.

And because all is Mind, the activity of Truth in this prayer expresses itself in what we call healing. For the awareness of Truth which God reveals in a Christian Science treatment is omnipotence in action. It is irresistible, infinite Love, unfolding the perfection, continuity, and blessedness of that which actually exists. Therefore it is the most powerful thing in the world, utterly dispelling the appearance of evil, and demonstrating the actual presence of God's ideas and of God's gracious love expressed here and now. It follows that treatment includes the joyous and absolute consciousness of the perfection of the man of God's creating, the man who is the expression of God. It knows that the holiness and harmony and blessedness of the real man can never be invaded.

Pre-eminently, treatment is the realization that man is the reflection of Spirit, therefore every appearance of materiality or discord is illusion, an utter unreality. "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all," as Mary Baker Eddy says on page 468 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." So in treatment man is seen as the infinite manifestation of Mind, as wholly spiritual, perfect, upright, grand, wholly exempt from the fables and falsities and ills of a false mortal selfhood.

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