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From the May 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One hears much these days of danger, of impending evil and the invasion of our normal and harmonious way of living. The need for preparedness to defend ourselves and our rights against selfishness and greed is much in thought. This apparent attack upon minds and bodies is the activity of animal magnetism in its attempt to control mankind. Error would mesmerize mortals into believing that gain can be secured by hate, that one's place in the sun can be maintained by imposing fear and bondage upon others. Attacks upon nations will be rightly opposed in many human ways, but Christian Scientists know that the battle is not primarily physical, it is mental. The attempt is made to cause men to be fearful, then helpless.

For us to see these errors but do nothing about the situation means only a supine admission of bondage. The recognition of a mental attack calls for definite spiritual opposition, which in Christian Science is seen to be the intelligent application of the law of God. Christian Scientists do more than see evil and talk about it; they demonstrate its impotency, its unreality, through a realization of God's love and allness.

Two quite different uses may be associated with the word "alert." To be alert may signify to be fearful that one's life or welfare is in danger, a mental state of tension and apprehension at every shadow of evil suggestion or experience. Such a position is entirely negative and has the effect of making evil seem to be real. It is the opposite of true, spiritual alertness.

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