Not only in national or world affairs is it necessary vigorously and persistently to be assured that victory must be and always will be, in the long view, on the side of right. That same confident and courageous mental attitude must be maintained by the Christian Science warrior through all his own human experience, if that experience is to be kept out of darkness and in the light.
Christian Science teaches that there is but one Mind, the divine Mind; but one power, that is, good. To lack of realization and demonstration of that fact may be laid all the apparent woes of mankind.
Belief that there is another mind than the one divine Mind carries with it the assumption that evil possesses intelligence and power. And one of the many claims of this supposititious mind is that it can cause failure and reverse good, in both individual and world affairs. Thus it would sometimes try to swamp a Christian Scientist with the overwhelming conviction that some important undertaking, or even his whole life, had been a failure. Shall we let error do this to us?